Looking for closet ideas to improve your closet organization and storage?
Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest ones. While you can always go out and purchase closet organizers perhaps your budget requires something less expensive but equally as effective. Why go through the hassle of installing closet organizers when you can do something right now that will help?
Childrens Storage Shelves
Your closet is the only space in your house that is specifically meant for storage. It is not a living space but completely a storage space. Because it is a storage space many things get tossed and lost in there! There are two major components to closet organization. One is having a systematic approach to what comes in and goes out and the other is the efficient use of the space.
Closet Ideas for Efficient use of Space
If you have a standard reach in closet there is a hanging rod from wall to wall and then a 12 inch deep shelf mounted above that. Instead of changing that configuration here are some closet ideas to help with using the space effectively just as it is.
Put your chest of drawers in your closet. There is no rule that says it has to be in the bedroom. If you have a reach in closet then put it in the center where it is easily accessible.
Re-purpose a really old chest of drawers for this. You know...the one where the drawers do not go in and out any more! You have one -Great! Get rid of the drawers altogether and put open shelving in the drawer slots. You can get closet shelving pre-cut at the hardware store and this is a great place to store folded t-shirts or sweaters. Even shoes can go on those shelves.
Use closet hardware to attach a hanging rod to the side of that chest of drawers and across to the other wall of the closet and you will create an instant double hanging area on one side of the closet. This will more than make up for the space taken up by the chest of drawers.
The hanging rod above your dresser is the perfect place to store hangers that are not being used or you can use it as a jewellery organizer and hang your necklaces and scarves from the rod.
A Systematic Approach
Of all the closet ideas to improve your closet organization the best one is to have a regular system of purging and editing your wardrobe. Here is a great closet organization tip to make sure you are only storing items that are in regular use.
Every year on a significant date that you will not forget ( your birthday, New Years Day, your anniversary...whatever) turn all the hangers in your closet around. As you take things out and wear them you will hang the item back up in the normal way. After one year if there are any hangers still hanging backwards this item has not been worn in a year and out it goes!
Your closet is a useful storage space but it can be a continual source of frustration if it doesn't work for you to keep track of and find what you need when you need it.
These closet ideas should get you started on a new way to closet organization.